The Industry We Want (TIWW) is a multi-stakeholder initiative tasked with driving industry-wide progress across the garment and footwear sector. We track industry progress and facilitate collaboration.


Reimagining the Garment and Footwear Industry

TIWW envisages a garment and footwear industry that realises its full potential to ensure dignity for workers in decent jobs, thriving businesses along the supply chain and a positive impact on the planet.

Tracking Progress- The Industry Dashboard







To realise our vision of a just and resilient garment sector, TIWW has developed a set of industry-wide metrics to measure progress on an annual basis and galvanise action across the social, commercial and environmental spheres.

We have launched our fourth and last iteration of the TIWW dashboard featuring our three impact metrics - wages, purchasing practices and GHG emissions. This dashboard establishes a snapshot of the trends and (lack of) progress  for the garment and footwear industry against our key impact metrics. Our dashboard serves to drive better data, stimulate progress, support alignment and encourage information exchange, collaboration and policy change where necessary. Data for each of these metrics has been captured from 2022 to 2025 and can be used to mobilise support to ask bigger, stronger questions about how to support, stimulate and scale progress to transform the industry.