Get to know us
The Industry We Want was born of impatience and frustration with the pace of change in the garment and footwear industry and a belief in its potential to transform the lives of those whose work creates our clothes in a way that has a positive impact on the planet at large.
Our Vision
TIWW envisages a garment and footwear industry that realises its full potential to ensure dignity for workers in decent jobs, thriving businesses along the supply chain and a positive impact on the planet.
Our Mission
We focus on inclusive processes emphasizing the interconnectedness of environmental, social and commercial practices to accelerate transformation.
We facilitate challenging exchanges in a constructive environment between knowledgeable, diverse, creative stakeholders to measure progress, enhance collaboration, drive change and inform policy.
We attract, collect, connect, and disseminate examples of impactful solutions, such as new ideas, tools and technologies, to amplify their reach and effectiveness to catalyse collective action.
We measure the state of affairs of the garment and footwear industry for shared accountability and transparency.
The Big Tent
The Industry We Want aims to be a Big Tent, where all those who agree to the common purpose and want to contribute to progress are invited to create work plans, share knowledge, foster new collaborative efforts and innovate.
We aim to pull together ideas and ambitions from across the sector to set positive global aspirations, confront the difficult questions facing us all and inspire greater progress.
We spotlight initiatives that drive further alignment on purchasing practices in the garment and footwear sector and are keen on expanding this to our other focus areas.
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Our hosts
Fair Wear, ETI and Cascale are like-minded Multi Stakeholders Initiatives (MSIs) working together to connect key actors across the value chain — brands, suppliers, business associations, workers and trade unions, civil society, governments, NGOs, MSIs, and experts — to create a new normal in the garment industry.
Fair Wear Foundation, an independent Multi-Stakeholder Initiative, wants to see a world where the garment industry supports workers’ rights to safe, dignified and properly paid employment. Working with the industry, trade unions and labour rights organisations, Fair Wear operationalises human rights due diligence, showing with its member brands that change is possible.
The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is a leading alliance of global companies, trade unions and NGOs that promotes respect for workers' rights around the world. ETI’s vision is a world where human rights at work are enjoyed by all workers, protected by the state, and respected by business.
Cascale is a global, non-profit alliance of 300 leading apparel, footwear, and textile brands, retailers, manufacturers, sourcing agents, service providers, trade associations, NGOs and academic institutions.
This initiative is partly funded by ETI and Fair Wear’s multi-year collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sustainable Textile Initiative: Together for Change (STITCH). It is also supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through the Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS).